Qaptur Academy

Unlock funds & ressources from the Carbon Market. Faster.

As Grassroot Organization acting for Ecosystems Restoration, access the first Carbon Academy to match with key partners, get financed and finally certify carbon credits.

Apply to the Academy

What do you unlock when you join the Academy?

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How does it work?

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1. Submit your project

Just take 10 minutes to fill out a submission form in order to provide information about your existing or future project.

2. Enter the Qaptur Academy

Qaptur helps you to gather data and preliminary documentation to launch a carbon credits pre-feasibility study.

3. Meet your future project developer and investors

Thanks to our extensive database and matching technology, we connect you with carbon investors and developers.

What type of project passed through the Academy?

What are the eligibility criteria?

Non-profit or for-profit registered entity
Nature-Based Solution project (ARR, Mangroves, Agroforestry & Artisanal Biochar)
Restoration Area: >1000 hectares minimum
Organisation based where the project takes place
Organisation with proven experience in natural restoration
English, French or Spanish professional-level

You are a local organization filling those conditions?

→ Unlock the financial and operational ressources of Carbon Market

Why should you apply to the Academy now?

No upfront cost

Unlike other service providers, you will not need to pay any amount when starting the program.

Faster access to funds

Organizations joining the Academy dramatically reduce the time before they raise funds to scale their project. Don't wait to join the next cohort.
Apply to the Academy